First Ave.
1 Sterling Alloy Casting Co
102 Johnston Lumber Co.
201 Rock Falls Savings and Loan
201 1/2 United Auto Workers, Co. Sheriff,Mayor Coloma Twp Clerk,Assessor, State Att.,
203 Pignatelli Louis J lwyr
205 "Trager Building" Bardo Rexall Drugs
203 1/2 State Dept Family Services
205 GAC Finance Corp
207 Humphrey Agcy ins
207A Rock Falls Camera Center
208-210 Mobil Oil, Kelley Williamson
211 Rock Falls Gambles Store
213 Ray's Garden Shop Seeds
215Rock Falls Maid Rite
217 Illinois Kitchen Center cabinets
218 Crystal Lounge and Café
219 Renier's Hammond Organ Studio
221 One Hour Martinizing Cleaners
222 vacant
225 The Smoke Ring tobacco
228 Johnny's Shell Service station
300 Rock Falls Natl Bank
301 Cue and Cushion billiards,The Loop
302 Tri County Opportunity Council
305 Hill's Electric Motor Shop
307 Hill Gary Agcy Ins
310 Cantlin Jacob Lawyer
313 Cantlin,Blodgett Lawyer
315 Gerdy, Lewis barber
317 Speed Wash self serve laundry
318 Speaker and Lendman Ins.
319 Overley's Standard Service Station
319 1/2 First Avenue Beauty Shop
321 Reynolds Citgo Service Sation
321 1/2
323 Nationwide Consolidating Corp
400 Reynolds Citgo Service
405 Bob and Russ' Enco Service Station
408 DePasquale Shoe Repair and Upholstry
410 Four Square Gospel Church
511 Super Par Service Station
600 Rein's Sinclair Service Station
601 private home 602 private home
605 private home
607 Gallentine Howard Plmb
609 private home 611 private home
700 private home
701 Tehan's Liquor Store
702 private home 705 private home
707 Stan's F1 Covering
708 Gleason Auto Sales used
709 private home 710 private home
711 private home
712 Dairy Dream
713 private home 715 private home
801 private home
804 Wheelock-Allen Funeral Home
805 private home 807 private home
809 private home 811 private home
813 private home
814 Cliff' 88 Grill restr
815 Pohley Glenn phys
816 vacant 817 vacant
821 private home 901 private home
903 private home
904 Maylor SW & Corp farm equip
905 private home 907 private home
910 Gene's Drive-Inn rester
910 1/2 private home
930 Paul's Texaco gas
940 vacant
941 Beelendorf's Food Market
1001 private home
1003 Bright HankMotor Sales
1005 private home 1007 private home
1008 Mott Bros whole plumber
1009 Credithrift of America
1010 private home 1011 private home
1013 Stewart's Upholstering
1015 private home
1019 Ray's Certified Super Mkt
1100 Disco Food Center
Pine Grove Coffee Shop
Norge Lndry & Cleaners
1101 Kurtz TD Glass Co
1103 Eberhardt's Auto Body
1104 Owens Illinois Oil Co
1111 Deem & Rick Tires & Appliances
1200 Perna's Pizza
1201-1203 Gig's Food & Co restr
1204-1206 Oltman Barber Shop
1205 vacant
1207 private home
1210 Stan's Jack & Jill groc
1212 Sno Cap Drive Inn
1301 private home
1305 C & E Motor Sales Used
1308 Schreiner Oil Co.
1309 private home
1313 Star Service & Petroleum
1401 Earl Devers
1405 Dog 'n Suds
1406 vacant
1409 First Avenue Rummage Sale
1410 vacant
1411 Bob's Auto Sales
1413 private home
1500 private home
1503-1505 Jerry Market groc
1504 private home 1506 private home
1507 private home 1508 private home
1511 private home
1513 Gillette Bros.sporting gds
1600 private home 1604 private home
1605 private home 1606 private home
1609 Fisher's Standard Service Station
Route 30
1800Redwood Motel
1809 private home
1901 Yellow Cab Co
1909 vacant
2001 private home 2003 private home
2005 private home-vacant
Follow us
Highway 30 West
101 vacant
200 vacant
Bright Spot Cafe
305 Martin's Wrecker Service
403 D&R Coin Wash
404 Sweeney Motel
405 Rocket Lanes
Tabor-Storts Used cars
503 Serve Yourself Car Wash
505 Reed's Mileage Mart
Wike Oil Co.
601 Highway 30 Fruit & Vegetable Stand
602 J&R Tavern
606 Rock Trailer Sales
703 Rock Falls Lumber and Supply
709 Rocket D-X Service Station
808 Saveway Market
900 Jerry's Market
901 Leonor Mobile Homes
904 Allen's Music Studio
906 Morgan Builders
907 Palo Club tavern
1007 Clark Oil Co,
1107 Edwards Market
1109 Beauchamp's Dairy Queen
1111 Mister Robot Car Wash
1113 Johnson's Shell Station
1120 Friendship 66 Gas
1130 Friendship House/ Dutch Pantry
1200 Lawton's Dairy Island
1201 Bevilacqua's Trailer Court
1202 Plowman's Super Market
1210 Clayton Service and Trailer Sales
1215 Nelson's Garage
1301 Hi-Way 30 Super Market
1304 Dietz Bros Paint Stores
1305 Latta's Garage/Latta's Motor Sales
1308 Wiker Welding Shop
1405 A & W Drive Inn
1408 Poci's Motel
1411 Morris Drive Inn
1412 Sunset Cafe
1414 Ed's Rock Falls Gulf Service Station
1417 Kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses
1418 Rich's Drive Inn Restr
1500 General Cartage
1507 Cameo Beauty Salon
1509 Nichols-Bevilaquas Restaurant
1606 Saunder's Trucking
1701 Williams Auto Body Shop
2806 Ratzlaff Ford Tractor
3020 Arrow Motel
3034 Jul's Danish Farm Motel
3035 Rock River Provision
Star Dining Room Restr
Wonder Bread Depot
Highway 30 East
Illinois Forge
Larson Mnfg
Lawrence and Sons
Dixon Avenue
105 DeKalb Feeds
110 Rock River Medical Center, Alter, Hubbard phys.
206 Rheeling's Super Market
703 Koser Cobler
Rock Falls Professional Building Wilkin, McDonnell,DeWeerth,McDonnell
First Congregational Church
Avenue A
300 Sterling Produce Co.
401 vacant
409 Skelton's Garage
321 Kradle Building Supplies
Second St. East
104 Dixon Electronics
106 Johnston Lmbr Co
205 RB & W
308 Riverview Nursing Home
Second St. West
101 Wheelock Furniture
102 S&K Clothing
105 Mar-Jean Variety Store
106 Schick Paint and Wallpaper
107 Gray's Grocer
108 Family Shoe Store
109 Hudson and Schwab billiards
109 1/2 Andy's Barber Shop
110 Northern Life Ins
111 Vacant
112 State Dept of Labor Unemployment
112 1/2 Fecht chiropractor
113 Glory Bee Apparel Shop
115 Allen's TV Service
116 Esquire Barber Shop
117 Moulton's Walgreen Agency
118 Bakerite Bakery
119 Harting's Meat Market
119 1/2 Mademoiselle Beauty Salon
120 Corner Tap
201 Hurdle Hardware
203 The Bottle Stop
205 Bowen Gift Shop
Crystal Barber Shop
207 Daniels Confectionery
209 Sowles Dry Goods
215 Eshelman Barber
Wolf's D&M Tap
217 vacant
219 Bud & Jack's Top Hat tavern
220 Videocraft MFG Co
221 Gift House Stamps
223 Rock Falls School of Beauty
301 Ideal Cleaners
303 Ahrens Optomistrist
Fonder, physcian
305 The Mattress Shop
307 Walt's Upholstry
309 General Service Co. Air Cond.
311 vacant
315 Pink Poodle Beauty Salon
317 Ken and Ray's Auto Body
321 Eagles Club
412 Rubin Used Cars
417 Miner & Plumer Gas Station
422 State Farm Ins. Boothe & Ryan
422 1/2 United Steel Workers
501 Seventh Day Adventist Church
510 J & E Coin Wash laundry
512 Target Oil Co Gas Station
700 Kent Motors used cars
Bob's Lock Repair
702 Yamaha Cycle Sales